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School pupils and school leavers


Getting acquainted

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Girls' Day

Girls' Day is all about nationwide awareness of "Women in technical professions". This gives female students the opportunity to try out technical occupations that require formal training for one day at our training centre. At Witzenmann we have known for a long time now that women and technology make an excellent match! A career in metalworking has a future and it can be a lot of fun!

You can register via the official Girls' Day homepage; our available places are advertised there about 2 months before the date and are limited!

Girls' Day
Witzenmann / Inhouse

Girls' Day

Azubi film


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Are you enthusiastic about technology and industry? Is your graduation imminent?

We are looking for talent to meet the challenges of tomorrow. We offer outstanding career perspectives and exciting projects. This is why we have been awarded the seal of approval "1A-Ausbildungsbetrieb" (1A training company) for many years now.

We always start the selection process a year before training starts in the middle of September. Although you will need good results to be accepted for the training at Witzenmann, your personality also counts:

  • motivation and commitment
  • enjoyment of learning
  • enthusiasm
  • proactive and independent
  • ability to work in a team

Do you want to become part of our Witzenmann family? If so, you can apply online via our job exchange. We look forward to receiving your letter, an up-to-date CV and your last two school certificates.

Apprenticeship training positions available with us
Frederik Zergon
Holiday Job

Are you of legal age and do you have at least three weeks to spare in the summer months?
We can offer you an exciting holiday job in the areas of production and logistics - some involving shift work.

Please indicate which period you would ideally like to carry out the work in.

You can apply via our online job exchange

Overview of occupations that require formal training

Nicolai Becht

  • Apprentice Industrial Clerk (m/f/d)
  • IT specialist - Specialization in System Integration (m/f/d)
  • IT specialist - Digital networking (m/f/d)
  • Electronics technician - Specialization in information and systems technology (m/f/d)
  • Electronics technician - Specialization in energy and building technology (m/f/d)
  • Mechatronics technician (m/f/d)
  • Material tester (m/f/d)
  • Cutting machine operator – Specialization in lathe (m/f/d)
  • Construction mechanic - Specialization in Welding Technology (m/f/d)
  • Specialist in metal technology - Specialization in construction technology (m/f/d)
  • Metal technology specialist - Specialising in construction technology (m/f/d)
  • Apprentice machine and system operator

Please note that we do not offer apprenticeships in all of the above mentioned professions every year.

Apprenticeship training positions available with us

Dual studies

Dual studies offers the perfect combination of theory and practise. During the study course which lasts three years, you always spend three months at the dual university and three months at the company. At the company, you will pass through all departments relevant to your studies. This will give you initial insights into the operational processes. From the third term onwards, you will be working independently on projects. You can select a final assignment that reflects your subsequent field of activities at Witzenmann.

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Study and practise under one roof

"Already at the technical high school, I was introduced to the basics of mechanical engineering studies by combining theory and practice. Since I was very impressed by this concept, I decided to continue on this path through a dual course of study. I see an advantage in the small course sizes of the DHBW.

In addition, it is definitely a gain for me to be integrated into a company at an early stage through the practical phases. In this way, I already get a deeper insight into the individual departments and can find a suitable field of activity for my future professional life.

What particularly excites me about Witzenmann GmbH is that the main plant has a wide variety of departments and is still manageable and familiar. This allows me to better understand individual processes and structures."

Marvin Malohn
Dual student and Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

At-a-glance overview of studies at DHBW (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University)

  • Bachelor of Engineering (DH) - Mechanical Engineering (m/f/d) - either:
  • Construction / Development
  • Production

  • Bachelor of Engineering (DH) - Industrial Engineering (m/f/d) - either:
  • Production and Logistics
  • International Technical Sales

  • Bachelor of Science (DH) – Business Informatics – Software Engineering (m/f/d)
  • Bachelor of Arts (DH) - Business Administration (m/f/d)

Please note that we do not offer DH (dual university) study places in all of the above mentiond courses every year.

Places available at the dual university through us

Student internship

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School days are nearing an end and some important questions need to be addressed: "What am I actually going to do now?", "What am I naturally good at?", "What could I enjoy doing?" You need to find out what suits you. You can do this through a BORS, BOGY placement or as a voluntary intern. At our training centre you can find out more about technical professions and test out your technical abilities.

You can apply in writing online via our job exchange, enclosing your CV and last school certificate. Also indicate the period in which you would like to carry out the practical training and your preferred profession.

Click here to go to the student internship
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SIA - "Schüler-Ingenieur-Akademie" (student engineering academy)

  • How do you get a metal bellows to fly?
  • Can a ship be operated with air?
  • Can a car also be fuelled by water?

You can find out the answers to these questions and many more yourself at the "Schüler-Ingenieur-Akademie" SIA (student engineering academy).

SIA is an initiative of the Südwestmetall organisation which works together with schools and universities as well as companies based in Baden-Württemberg. SIA gives sixth form high school students interested in the natural sciences and technology an opportunity to master exciting projects and challenging tasks in a team. This gives you the chance to test the water and find out whether you are suited to technical studies.

Do you attend the Theodor-Heuss or Hebel high school in Pforzheim, the Liese-Meitner high school in Königsbach or Remchingen high school? If so, you can register for the SIA in collaboration with Witzenmann at your school. We look forward to seeing you!

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Berufswahl Kompass

Berufswahlkompass Metall (BWK) is a collaboration project between Südwestmetall, the employment agency and also various companies and schools in the region. The project which is supervised by BBQ is aimed at female secondary school students with an interest in technology.

The collaborating schools are the Konrad-Adenauer Schule in Pforzheim, the Willy-Brandt-Realschule in Königsbach-Stein and the Carl-Dittler-Realschule in Remchingen, from each of those schools a certain number of pupils can participate at the BWK.


Nothing beats direct contact. We would be pleased to speak to you in person and answer any questions you may have.

Bettina Vogler
Recruiting trainees, DH- students and school pupils as well as pre-/basic interns

Tel.: +49 7231-581-220