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Flexible fluid pipe connections

Aerospace Trim tank metal hose Image Text

Trim Tank Kerosene Lines

Two stainless steel coaxial flexible metal hoses ensure flexibility. The internal unit is responsible for the pressure resistance and main transportation of the fuel. It connects the rigid transfer pipe to the flexible trim tank in the horizontal stabilizer.

  • the design work enables continuous drainage and thus leakage detection for the inner fuel line
  • additional side outlet with drainage and leakage detection
  • maintenance-free welded construction
  • low weight
Adapter Elements For Auxiliary Tanks Image Text

Adapter Elements for Auxiliary Tanks

Kerosene conducting inner pipe with coaxial enveloping drainage space for leak monitoring. The flexibility is ensured by two metal bellows arranged parallel to each other.

  • new welding valve configuration guarantees gap-free interior space
  • user-friendly assembly
  • long service life
  • maintenance-free welded construction
Flexible Metal Tubes AS1424 for Aerospace Image Text

Flexible Metal Hoses in accordance with AS1424

The flexible metal hose program of Witzenmann in accordance with the international SAE aerospace standard AS1424 covers an entire product spectrum ranging from DN 06 to DN 32 with the typical end-fitting options that are implemented in the aerospace industry. On customer request can also be designed with various interface options and 3D-bent rigid tubes.

  • pressure range 38 -138 bar (depending on the hose diameter)
  • high operating temperatures of up to 430 °C in pneumatic systems, temperature fluctuations up to a max. of 650 °C for class B and N
  • high flexibility and vibration resistance at an operating temperature of 430 °C and medium pressure

Additional questions

Nothing beats direct contact. We are happy to take the time for a personal discussion with you to answer your questions on an individual basis.

Mr. Jochen Schmitt
Head of Sales & Programs Aerospace


Tel.: +49 7231-581-714
