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Constant hangers and constant supports Witzenmann

Constant hangers and constant supports


HYDRA® constant hangers and constant supports are mobile pipe supports with constant load-bearing behaviour and are necessary if greater vertical movements (>60 mm) have to be absorbed. All rotatable bearings are a combination of polished, stainless steel axles and PTFE composite bearings that guarantee low friction levels. Optimum corrosion protection as well as problem-free assembly and connection to the support structure guarantee maintenance-free use.

Load/travel characteristic

Konstanthänger und Konstantstützen Last Weg Charakteristik Image Text

Characteristic: Load/travel diagram with the acceptable tolerance limits in recognized guidelines (e.g. VGB-R 510 L, KTA 3205.3). The buckling-resistant design, production and special thermal treatment guarantee a linearly unchangeable force-travel-curve of the springs.

Nominal load: FN (Maximum load of the constant hanger)
Required load: FS
Set average load: Factual, average
Condition for the average setting: (|FS- Factual, average|)/FS ≤ 0.02
Nominal travel: sN
Required travel: sS
Travel reserve: sR 1"

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Constant hangers

Constant hangers type KHD from Witzenmann

Constant hanger, horizontal with double lug

Constant hangers type KVD from Witzenmann

Constant hanger, vertical, with double lug

Constant hangers type KHS from Witzenmann

Constant hanger, in horizontal position

Constant hangers type KVS from Witzenmann

Constant hanger, in vertical position

Constant supports

Constant support type KSR from Witzenmann

Constant support with support roller

Constant supports type KSP from Witzenmann

Constant support with support plate

Further steps - local

Configure product Pipe Supports

Configure products for your individual needs quickly and easily with our FLEXPERTE tool.


  • Designing of Standard Products
  • Preparation of Technical Data Sheets
  • Preparation of Enquiries

Download: FLEXPERTE customer version

FLEXPERTE: The design programme for the entire product range of the Witzenmann Group with a function-specific classification

  • Flexible metal tubes
  • Expansion joints
  • Metal bellows
  • Bearings, hangers, supports

Apart from the calculation formulas, drawing data as well as entire 3D CAD drawings are stored. Provided with AVEVA PDMS/E3D and Intergraph Smart3D for Plant interfaces, the program can be used multifacetedly and universally.
